Monday, January 19, 2009

Starting Fresh

Here in the next month or so, my life will be changing. I'm about to move out of a community living situation and into my own home. 

It's just time.

I have three children, ages 4, 2 and 5 months. I can't wait to set up my house the way I want to. To cook what I want to, when I want to.  You just don't know how much I'm looking forward to such simple freedoms! I could probably write a survival guide on community living with special needs people. 

Since everything else is going to be changing, I figure I should take control of myself as well. I haven't lost any weight since giving birth five months ago, and that needs to change. I plan on going to to order some of their suppliments just as soon as we're all settled into the new house.  In the meantime, I'm working on giving up sodas and am working out every day with the Wii Fit, and on my own. 

Laureli, my oldest, is showing more and more interest in learning school-type things. we will be homeschooling our children. I'm excited that she's showing so much interest. I've got to curtail that want of her's, however,  as I still think that plain old playing is far more important at this stage in the game. 

Jacob, my two year old, is starting to broaden his vocabulary. If he doesn't know what something is, and he's excited about it, he'll shout "New thing! New thing!" Then he'll ask what it is and try to repeat what we say. I wonder what kind of a learner he'll be.

Elaina, my baby, is a joy. She is usually full of smiles and coos. She's such a laid back and easy going baby. God has truly blessed us with such an easy child. I only hope she keeps this beautiful tempermant. My other two are so dramatic, I don't know what I'll do if I have a third join in their act!

Alright, off to do the whole stay at home, take care of the itty bitties and the nest bit. Take care, and God bless!